CPR Bio-Barrier

CPR Bio Barrier Training Face Shields | O-Two Medical

The two-way biological filter of the O-Two CPR BioBarrier® training face shield will prevent the passage of over 99% of the viruses and bacteria. It also acts as a physical barrier to moisture, helping to prevent the transfer of body fluids.

During CPR training, the large, pliable — yet extremely strong — faceshield with graphic illustrations assists the student in correctly positioning the O-Two CPR Bio-Barrier® training faceshield.

O-Two CPR Bio-Barrier® training face shields are packaged on a roll, allowing each student to tear off her or his protective device.


  • Bacterial/viral filtration
  • Clear, oversized faceshield
  • Faceshield is pliable yet strong
  • Positioning illustrations printed on the faceshield

CPR Bio-Barrier® Ordering Information


Bio-barrier CPR training shield in roll/50


Specification Sheet